Code highlighter

Hepek has support for the awesome PrismJS code highlighter.
Add its dependencies by extending PrismDependencies.

You can use its goodies by importing the PrismCodeHighlightComponents trait.

Pro tip: Extend this trait as object chl extends PrismCodeHighlightComponents and import chl in your page, so later you can tweak settings in chl.

          public class HelloWorld {
              public static void main(String[] args) {
                  System.out.println("Hello, Java!"); // a comment

gets rendered as:

        public class HelloWorld {
            public static void main(String[] args) {
                System.out.println("Hello, Java!"); // a comment

There is support for all PrismJS languages.
Also, most of PrismJS features are expressed as methods:

  • chl.<language>.ajax("some.url") fetches file via AJAX
  • chl.<language>.github("TheAdnan", "focustube", "index.js") fetches file from Github
  • chl.<language>.gist("65a82e76597f2fb6c2af", Option("Brick.ts") fetches from Gist
  • chl.<language>.withLineNumsStart(-2) sets line numbers start position (see configuration below also)
  • chl.<language>.withLineHighlight("1,5-6") highlights lines 1, 5 and 6
  • chl.<console-language>.withPrompt("my~awsome~prompt>") sets prompt
  • chl.<console-language>.withUser("superadmin", "") sets user and host (to be used as prompt)
  • chl.<console-language>.withOutputLines("2-5") sets console output lines
  • chl.markup highlights HTML

Note that withPrompt, withUser and withOutputLines are available only on console languages like bash and batch. Nifty! :)

Examples are available here.