Serving Static Files

The static files are automatically served from the resources/public folder.
If using Mill, those are under my_project/resources/public.
In Sbt those are under src/main/resources/public.
In scala-cli you need to manually tell it where to look for with --resource-dir resources.

Let's serve an example.js file with Sharaf.
First create a file resources/public/example.js.
Put this text into it: console.log('Hello Sharaf!');.

Now create a file and paste this code into it:

    //> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep ba.sake::sharaf:0.8.0

import io.undertow.Undertow
import ba.sake.sharaf.*, routing.*

val routes = Routes:
  case GET() -> Path() =>
    Response.withBody("Try /example.js")

  .addHttpListener(8181, "localhost")

println(s"Server started at http://localhost:8181")

and run it like this:

scala-cli  --resource-dir resources

Go to http://localhost:8181/example.js.
You will see the example.js contents served.