How To Map Flat Rows To Objects

Suppose you have these data class-es:

// table rows:
case class Customer(id: Int, name: String) derives SqlReadRow
case class Address(id: Int, name: String) derives SqlReadRow

// left join result:
case class CustomerWithAddressOpt(c: Customer, a: Option[Address]) derives SqlReadRow

Now, when you do a SELECT you'll get a Seq[CustomerWithPhoneOpt], a "flat" result, named tuple.
But, on your REST API you'd like to return a structured object:

case class CustomerDTO(id: Int, name: String, addresses: Seq[String])

Squery has utilities for exactly that.
Let's see how groupByOrderedOpt works:

import ba.sake.squery.utils.*

val groupedByCustomer: Map[Customer, Seq[Address]] = rowsLeftJoin.groupByOrderedOpt(_.c, _.a)
val dtos = { case (c, addresses) =>

We can see that it returns a Map[Customer, Seq[Address]], just as we wanted.
Then we just map over it and populate the DTO object, can't be simpler!

This does a few thing for us:

  • keeps the list of results ordered, so you don't have to sort it twice (once in DB, and again in memory)
  • extracts the value that we need from the raw row result
  • handles the None case
  • handles the starting, empty Seq of results case