
Let's start with a simple case class MyData.
Note that you need to derive the JsonRW typeclass to get the Tupson features.

      import ba.sake.tupson.{given, *}

      case class MyData(
          bln: Boolean,
          int: Int,
          s: String
      ) derives JsonRW

Then, you can call parseJson[T] function on a String to parse it to the desired type:

      val res = """{ "bln":true, "int":5, "s":"dsds" }""".parseJson[MyData]
      // MyData(true,5,dsds)

General errors

If parsing fails you will get a TupsonException:

          """{ "bln":true """.parseJson[MyData]
          // TupsonException: incomplete JSON

Specific errors

Tupson will give you the most specific error(s) as possible:

          """{ "bln":123 }""" .parseJson[MyData]
          // Key '$.bln' with value '123' should be Boolean but it is Number; Key '$.int' is missing; Key '$.s' is missing

Collecting errors

You can catch ParsingException to collect the errors.
This exception contains errors: Seq[ParseError], list of errors that happened while parsing.
Every ParseError object contains a JSONPath path to the field which has errors in it.
You saw some of it in the error stacktrace above.

          try {
            """{ "bln":123 } """ .parseJson[MyData]
          } catch {
            case pe: ParsingException =>
              val errors = pe.errors.mkString("\n")
          // errors:
          // ParseError($.bln,should be Boolean but it is Number,Some(123))
          // ParseError($.int,is missing,None)
          // ParseError($.s,is missing,None)