HTMX is an incredibly simple, HTML-first library.
Instead of going through HTML->JS->JSON-API loop/mess, you can go directly HTML->HTML-API.
Basically you just return HTML snippets that get included where you want in your page.
Sharaf is using the hepek-components as its template engine, which has support for HTMX attributes.
You can lots of examples in examples/scala-cli/htmx folder.
Let's make a simple page that triggers a POST request to fetch a HTML snippet.
Create a file
and paste this code into it:
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep ba.sake::sharaf:0.7.0
import io.undertow.Undertow
import scalatags.Text.all.*
import ba.sake.hepek.html.HtmlPage
import ba.sake.hepek.htmx.*
import ba.sake.sharaf.*, routing.*
object IndexView extends HtmlPage with HtmxDependencies:
override def bodyContent =
button( := "/html-snippet", hx.swap := "outerHTML")("Click here!")
val routes = Routes:
case GET() -> Path() =>
case POST() -> Path("html-snippet") =>
b("WOW, it works! 😲"),
div("Look ma, no JS! 😎")
.addHttpListener(8181, "localhost")
println(s"Server started at http://localhost:8181")
and run it like this:
Go to http://localhost:8181
to see how it works.