Query Parameters

Raw query parameters can be accessed through Request.current.queryParamsRaw.
This is a Map[String, Seq[String]] which you can use to extract query parameters.

The queryParamsRaw approach is useful for simple cases and dynamic query parameters.
For more type safety you can use QueryStringRW typeclass.
All you have to do is make a case class MyParams(..) derives QueryStringRW
and then use it like this: Request.current.queryParams[MyParams]

Create a file query_params.sc and paste this code into it:

    //> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep ba.sake::sharaf:0.7.0

import io.undertow.Undertow
import ba.sake.querson.QueryStringRW
import ba.sake.sharaf.*, routing.*

case class SearchParams(q: String, perPage: Int) derives QueryStringRW

val routes = Routes:
  case GET() -> Path("raw") =>
    val qp = Request.current.queryParamsRaw
    Response.withBody(s"params = ${qp}")

  case GET() -> Path("typed") =>
    val qp = Request.current.queryParams[SearchParams]
    Response.withBody(s"params = ${qp}")

  .addHttpListener(8181, "localhost")

println(s"Server started at http://localhost:8181")

Then run it like this:

scala-cli query_params.sc 

Now go to http://localhost:8181/raw?q=what&perPage=10 and you will get the raw query params map:

params = Map(perPage -> List(10), q -> List(what))

and if you go to http://localhost:8181/typed?q=what&perPage=10 you will get a type-safe, parsed query params object:

params = SearchParams(what,10)