Tests are essential to any serious software component.
Writing integration tests with Munit and Requests is straightforward.
Here we are testing the API from the JSON API tutorial.
Create a file json_api.test.scala
and paste this code into it:
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep ba.sake::sharaf:0.8.0
//> using test.dep org.scalameta::munit::1.0.0-M10
import ba.sake.tupson.*
case class Car(brand: String, model: String, quantity: Int) derives JsonRW
class JsonApiSuite extends munit.FunSuite {
val baseUrl = "http://localhost:8181"
test("create and get cars") {
locally {
val res = requests.get(s"$baseUrl/cars")
val resBody = res.text.parseJson[Seq[Car]]
assertEquals(res.statusCode, 200)
assertEquals(res.headers("content-type"), Seq("application/json"))
assertEquals(res.text.parseJson[Seq[Car]], Seq.empty)
locally {
val body = Car("Mercedes", "ML350", 1)
val res = requests.post(s"$baseUrl/cars", data = body.toJson)
assertEquals(res.statusCode, 200)
locally {
val res = requests.get(s"$baseUrl/cars/Mercedes")
val resBody = res.text.parseJson[Seq[Car]]
assertEquals(res.statusCode, 200)
assertEquals(res.headers("content-type"), Seq("application/json"))
assertEquals(resBody, Seq(Car("Mercedes", "ML350", 1)))
First run the API server in one shell:
scala-cli test json_api.sc
and then run the tests in another shell:
scala-cli test json_api.test.scala